Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Barcodes, Barcodes and more Barcodes.

My upcoming story, The History (and Future) of the Barcode will be posted soon. I am introducing it this way because I am also in the process of implementing a barcode system on my sites as well. Select articles that I write are being published at a couple various select websites and publications. Because of this I will start including a scanable barcode along with every article I publish. This will allow for easier tracking by myself, as well as anyone who wants to can reach me or my sites by scanning the barcode with their mobile device (cellphone, etc..). Because these codes are becoming more readily available and useable by the masses, I see this as a sort of wave of the future. That may be a bit strong of a way to put it, but regardless they are catching on quickly. So I will implement them. I am always trying to be in-step with what is happening on the technology front and have done a good job of doing so throughout my life.

So.. my upcoming article will explain some of this as well as give you guys a decent review of the history of that wonderful little code. Also, start being on the lookout for these codes everywhere. Blackberry for example unveiled a program not too long ago, mid-summer, that was a barcode treasure hunt of sorts. They announced that they would put some 2D barcodes in various public venues such as summer concerts, large public gatherings, and sprouting events just to name a few. Scanning these barcodes with your Blackberry would either enter you into a contest, bring you to a special website, or automatically win you some sort of modest prize. It made people start to take notice. And because of this (and other various promotions) a couple applications started sprouting up on Blackberry Appworld and other places. So now that the software and technology is in place and available for many people to utilize, the codes can really start to be of some use to people.

Be on the lookout. At first I will just have some 2D barcodes on the site that just link to contact information as well as links to my websites and various articles I publish. But as time goes on these barcodes will start to become a bit more varied. And as I come across some barcodes that may be from other companies running contests or things of that nature I will either post the barcode here on the site, or give you a link to that barcode so you can go to the site and scan it there. So stay tuned. This could turn out to be a rather big deal. And I will do my best to keep you informed of anything that happens. Again... look for the Barcode article to be posted soon. Within the next couple of hours.